For an introduction to radiocarbon dating see T. Higham, (1999):
Radiocarbon web-infoHistorical Background: an online course on the Aegean Bronze Age by Jerry Rutter. This includes sections on Cretan Prehistory.
The Prehistoric Archaeology of the AegeanAbstracts, with numerous illustrations, of conference on beekeeping on Crete and elsewhere:
Bee-keeping in the Graeco-Roman WorldInternational Bee Research Association, founded in 1949 by Eva Crane, the greatest scholar in the field of beekeeping:
International Bee Research AssociationOn the issue of reporting back by archaeologists to their informants, see Lucia Nixon, 'Seeing Voices and Changing Relationships: Film, Archaeological Reporting, and the Landscape of People in Sphakia', American Journal of Archaeology 105.1 (January 2001), 77-97
American Journal of ArchaeologyThese pages are from a course designed for the Alliance for Lifelong Learning Web site, with an associated online discussion forum, and other functionality, and any references to these should be ignored.