We now want you to use the Sphakia Survey Web site to explore the differences between the assemblages of Agiasmatsi and Ag. Astratigos.
Open the Region 8 Ceramics database.
Sphakia Survey: Ceramics databaseFirst select FUNCTION in the CHOOSE FIELD TO SORT BY list. Then enter 8.61 in the SITE NUMBER field. What sort of
assemblage do you find?
i. What makes the pottery assemblage of the Agiasmatsi Cave (8.61) distinctive?
ii. Think about the range of non-pottery finds.
Open the Region 8 Small Finds database.
Sphakia Survey: Small Finds databaseEnter 8.61 in SITE NUMBER. What sort
of range of small finds is there?
Compare the results for Agiasmatsi Cave with the assemblage from Ag. Astratigos (8.38). Do they have the same balance between the different pottery functions? Or the same range of non-pottery finds?
Use the Region 8 Ceramics database and Small Finds database to look at the information for each site. You can find the relevant data by entering the appropriate site number into the SITE NUMBER field.
Sphakia Survey: Ceramics databaseYou may want to share your thoughts in the Discussion Forum: you may find yours are very different from others, something that often happens in the field of archaeology.
These pages are from a course designed for the Alliance for Lifelong Learning Web site, with an associated online discussion forum, and other functionality, and any references to these should be ignored.